I'm still trying to learn how to use the cordless phones in our house.

We have two of them, and two lines.
I can't figure out what to do when the second line rings after I'm
talking on the first one.

And most of the time, when the phone rings, I'm just running around
digging under chair and couch cushions, checking the laundry basket,
and trying to find one of those phones.

Ps 71:17
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I
declared thy wondrous works.

Light from the Word.

We should praise the Lord for what He has done in our past.
Never forget, the principles of rightness we learned from Him.
God placed people in our youthful past who would teach us His way.

We should praise the Lord for what He is doing in our lives now.
Were it not for His grace we couldn't even draw our next breath.
Jesus is there to support and help with every part of our day.

We should praise the Lord for our future.
We have no tomorrow unless He gives it.
Life is much more meaningful when we plan to walk WITH the Lord.

Let us write in the sands of our lives today: "hitherto."

Up to this point God has helped.
At this point God is helping.
From this point on I will base my life on Him.

He has taught me, is teaching me, and will teach me.
And, I will praise Him!

Love ya!
Bro. Bruce