At an associational meeting I ran into an old friend.
He and his wife had been elected as a messenger to the associational meeting.

It had been my privilege to baptize both of them some years earlier in a different church I had pastored.
I talked to them for a moment. Then asked him, "How ya been doin'?"

He said, "Well, I retired, and I've gotten fatter and lazier. Even been thinking about becoming a preacher!"

Matt 13:44-46
44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found,
he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Light from the Word.

Notice the two short parables.

First, there's the variety of those finding the treasure.
One was a poor farmer, plowing.
The other was a rich merchant traveling.
Some people never go to church until they find Jesus.
Some people go from church to church and one day they find Jesus.
Some are poor, some are rich.
But JESUS is the real treasure!

Second, there's the value of the treasure.
The treasure to both men was the same - it was that which made them happy and blessed.
It was the desire of their hearts.
JESUS is the treasure!

Third, there's the cost of the treasure.
The farmer, obviously had been plowing someone else's field as a hired laborer.
But when he found the treasure, he sold ALL THAT HE HAD to buy it!
The merchant man was rich already.
But when he found the treasure he sold ALL HE HAD to buy it!

We have a lot of "fearful farmer" people in churches today.
They sow wild oats all week, then come on Sunday praying for a crop failure!

But when one finds JESUS, he/she finds the REAL treasure of life!
Going to church no longer is drudgery - it's joy!
Reading and studying the Bible is no longer difficult - it's fun!
Fellowship with other Christians is no longer difficult - it's easy!
Telling others about Jesus is no longer intimidating - it's a blessing!

When you take Jesus as you are - nothing really happens.
When you let Jesus make you who you are - something really happens!

Love ya!
Bro. Bruce